17 Apr Update for the Week of April 12-17
Hello everyone,
I hope this email finds you all healthy and well. I am happy to report that as another week goes by Sunset Lodge remains COVID-19 free. We continue to follow very strict COVID-19 protocols and so far this has been working to our advantage. Thanks again to all of you for cooperating with the protocols and understanding why there are so important to maintain.
I know that we have had some questions recently regarding residents being able to get haircuts, foot care and dental hygiene visits. Unfortunately, contracted services are not allowed into Sunset Lodge or any long term facility at this time. If there is a dental emergency, it will be dealt with as a health emergency and the appropriate steps will be taken to ensure your loved one gets the care and attention they need.
Thomas now has the tablets and wifi sorted out so if you would like to arrange a skype visit with your loved one, please contact Thomas at 250-385-3422 ext#225 or by email at: tbowden@sunsetlodge.ca Thomas has also been arranging some phones calls between families and residents as well, so if you would prefer to speak to your loved one by phone, you can also make that arrangement through Thomas by using the above contact information.
You can, of course, continue to send emails for you loved ones to either myself or Thomas, and we will ensure that they get them. Attaching pictures to your emails is always a great idea too, that way, your loved ones can put a face to an email.
Our Activity team has been busy working with our residents making “thank you hearts” for the windows of Sunset Lodge. The residents are really enjoying doing this and it is also lovely for our community members to see the hearts in the windows as well.
I wish you all good health, peace and may we all remember to be kind toward one another during this challenging time.
– Loretta
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