Spiritual Care 800x300


In keeping with the mission statement of the Salvation Army, the Spiritual Care department shows the love of God and a practical concern for the needs of residents, families, staff, and volunteers of Sunset Lodge.

Our chaplain offers Christian services through chapel, pastoral visitation, prayer and bereavement care. With the purpose of bringing an appreciation to residents, families, staff and volunteers of the benefits that are theirs through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The chapel schedule is listed on the monthly calendar. Services include Catholic Mass and Holy Communion.

At Sunset Lodge, we also understand the need and value of recognizing and respecting the traditions of other faiths and will honour and promote a continuing relationship with those faith communities, and we’re happy to connect your loved one with a church of their choosing.

If you would like to touch base with Cecil Kleu, our Chaplain you can reach him at 250-385-3422 ext 223 or via email at cecil.kleu@salvationarmy.ca

For a glance at the Chaplain’s weekly schedule, click hereĀ