15 May Update for the Week May 9 – 15
Hello everyone,
Sunset Lodge remains COVID free and it looks like the curve has flattened which is great news for our province and community! Again, thanks to each and every one of you for being so patient and understanding during these very challenging times and for all of your kind emails and phone calls that are so supportive and encouraging to all of our staff-it really helps!
Unfortunately, Island Health has still not given any clear directive as to when visiting will be allowed in the facility so it looks like we all have to be patient a little longer.
The good news is that we are moving into phase #2 where we can increase our “contact bubbles” somewhat, which should help us all start to feel a little less isolated. Remember to get fresh air when you can, get out into your gardens and stay connected with your loved ones through technology if you have access and, of course, through your social bubbles when you can. I have also added a link below to a Music Therapy program that you might find helpful as well. We often use Music Therapy for our loved ones so why not for ourselves? Music can have a very calming and healing effect which we could certainly all use during these strange times.
Another link you may find interesting or helpful is from the Caregivers of British Columbia site. They provide free webinars and on line workshops that address the difficulties of managing COVID, especially if you still have someone at home that you are caring for:
I wish you all a safe and happy long weekend!
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