18 Mar A Note From Our Social Worker – COVID-19 Protocol Update
Hello everyone,
I know that many of you are very concerned about your loved one’s health during this challenging time but please be assured that we will notify you if your loved one displays any symptoms or if Sunset Lodge were to have a confirmed case of COVID-19. Just to be clear, no one at Sunset Lodge is currently displaying any symptoms of COVID-19. Keep in mind that we are trying to keep the call volumes to the nursing stations manageable so that we can keep the phone lines open for the regular work of Sunset Lodge. If you want to check to see if your loved one is okay, or if you just want to pass a message onto them, you can leave a message with me or send me an email to me and I will get back to you. Also, if you would like to send in a card, letter or note for your loved one, please put it attention: Loretta and I will make sure they get it.
If you are one of our families that does their loved one’s laundry at home, we ask that you now leave the laundry at the facility and Sunset Lodge will do the laundry for your loved one until further notice.
If you supply incontinent products for your loved one, you can still do so, but please just leave the product with the Family Navigator at reception or at the reception desk itself. You will still be asked to isogel, possibly answer some questions regarding your health, etc…. as per COVID-19 protocol.
We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this trying time. We understand how difficult it is to be separated from those you love but we will do our best to keep all the residents of Sunset Lodge feeling reassured, comfortable and loved. All of you, as part of our Sunset Lodge family, have been amazing and we thank you for your understanding and patience as we move through this challenge.
Stay healthy, look after each other and we will keep you updated as best we can.
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