10 Mar Proactive Measures for COVID-19
In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation we want to provide a brief update regarding proactive measures we are putting in place from an organization perspective. The Senior Admin team met today and will continue to meet weekly, or as required if further information arises that we need to review to protect the health and safety of our residents and staff.
- We are in the process of ensuring that necessary supplies and personal protective equipment is well stocked.
Considerations Related to Travel:
- If you are travelling, please contact the facility when you return in the event that measures have been put into place that you should be aware of before you visit your loved one.
Other Considerations:
- If you have flu like symptoms, please do not come to the facility to visit your loved one. Stay at home and contact your healthcare provider for further instructions. It would be greatly appreciated if you would let us know if you have received a positive diagnosis for COVID-19.
- If you have had close contact with an individual who is suspected of having contracted COVID-19 do not come to the facility. Please seek advice form you healthcare provider.
Currently we are not showing any signs of anyone being infected here at Sunset Lodge. Having said that, when you come to visit your loved one please ensure that you are following our policy and procedure for infection control as follows:
- Don’t visit if you are sick or if you have been in contact with someone who is.
- When entering the building please use the hand sanitizer that is available for you at the entrance. Especially on entering and exiting the building.
- Ensure you are washing your hands often.
- Cough and sneeze into your sleeve and not your hand.
- Report any symptoms your loved one may be experiencing to the nurse on duty.
Signs and Symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Should we go under isolation we will be taking all direction from the Medical Health Officer. He/she may impose restrictions and you may not be able to visit your loved one. Please remember that the nurses will be busy and will not be able to take everyone’s phone call. If your loved one becomes ill we will contact you personally to let you know.
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