04 Apr Sunset Lodge Update
Hi everyone,
I hope this email finds you all well and healthy. i would like to provide you all with a update as to what is happening at Sunset Lodge.
First of all, the best news is that we DO NOT have COVID-19 in the facility. This is in large part due to the fact that you are all following the directives from Island Health to stay home and not come to the facility. I know this has been frustrating for all of you but it really is the only way to keep the facility virus free. We have learned that limited exposure to one another is what is going to keep this virus at bay, not just for Sunset Lodge but for our community as well. As you are all aware, the elderly population is at particular risk when he comes to COVID-19 so we must remain vigilant and stick to our protocols for the sake of our residents and your loved ones. We thank each and every one of you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this unwelcome journey, we know it’s not easy.
I would also like to let you know that Sunset Lodge has a sufficient supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) on site so, should the worst case scenario occur, we are equipped to handle it.
Thomas and his Activity Team are working very hard to visit with your loved ones every day so they don’t feel isolated. The activity staff are handing out and reading your lovely emails to your family members, visiting with him one on one, coloring with them, doing puzzles with them and having as many positive conversations as possible with them. The residents are doing well because of this more individual involvement, so please know that the residents are not alone. The Spring Gazette will also be out soon so please keep a look out in your emails for this.
The care and nursing staff are working relentlessly, taking proactive measures such as monitoring temperatures, providing meals in rooms when possible to limit physical contact, reassuring residents, taking phone calls when they can, etc… as well as taking care of all the regular care that needs to happen at Sunset Lodge every day.
The dietary staff is, as always, providing their special brand of comfort through food! The residents are being treated to extra little treats as well as the usual comforting and delicious meals.
Laundry, housekeeping and maintenance are working tirelessly cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning!! The clothes and linens are being washed daily and all of our high touch surface areas are getting constant extra attention.
The Sunset Lodge Leadership team is doing everything they can to support our staff and to keep morale up during this difficult time. Our staff are amazing and they are working so hard to make every day feel as normal as possible for our residents.
I have had many families email me to let me know how they are so appreciative of the staff, so as a result, we were thinking of setting up a “Thank You Board” for the staff where we could post your emails where the staff can see them and feel connected to you and feel your appreciation. With that in mind, if you would like to send me any emails voicing your appreciation, please do so to my regular email address at lbosma@sunsetlodge.ca and I will make sure they get posted. Along with that idea, we thought that families could also send in IOU’s for chocolates or cookies, etc….Again, many of you have asked if you can drop off some goodies for the staff, but we can’t accept those items right now, so maybe some IOU’s on the Thank You Board might help with that. Again, please email me any IOU ideas and I will make sure they get posted as well.
Again, thank you all for amazing support, patience and understanding as we face this global challenge, we couldn’t do it without you!
Please stay well and healthy!
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