22 May Update For The Week May 16-22
Good Morning,
Sunset Lodge remains COVID free and our residents are being well cared for, loved and entertained. The Activity Department continues to do an amazing job of keeping our residents occupied and connected. Please remember if you would like to book a phone call time or skype visit with your loved one you can do so by contacting our Director of Programs, Thomas Bowden either by phone or e-mail at:
250-385-3422 ext# 225
You are also welcome to send in emails that you would like read or given to your loved one by emailing them to: tbowden@sunsetlodge.ca and the activity staff will make sure that your loved ones get them. Also, feel free to contact me directly as well if you would like me to check in with your loved one individually to pass along a message or to just have a visit with them. You can reach me at:
250-385-3422 ext# 233
I know that there have been some rumors that long term care facilities may be open to visitors sometime in June however Sunset Lodge has not had any confirmation of this so far. Currently we are still closed to any visitors and will remain so until we are directed otherwise by Island Health.
We appreciate your ongoing patience and understanding while we remain isolated from the public. Our top priority is keeping your loved ones safe and so far we have been successful in that goal. Staff continue to have their temperatures taken daily prior to each shift and all staff must wear masks when they are within 6ft or 2 meters of a resident. Also, all residents have their temperatures taken daily as well so that we can catch any potential symptoms early on.
We are all feeling the strangeness of this time so I would like to share a quote with you that I think we should all take to heart:
“One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.”
-Shannon L. Adler
Please reach out to those you love by phone, letter, email, skype, a wave through your window, etc….There is nothing like knowing you are not alone even if you can’t see the ones you love-knowing someone is still there makes all the difference.
Wishing you all a peaceful and healthy weekend.
– Loretta
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